These directions will show how to swap the image of a hero banner. There is more information about Hero banners on the Sitefarm website at . You will also need Site Manager access to the website you are editing to make these changes. If you need Site Manager access contact
1. Log in to the website and go to the page you want to swap the banner.
2. Hover over the banner anywhere on the banner and an edit icon will display in the upper right corner.

3. Click on the Edit icon, then choose "Edit".

4. The block containing the current image will open. Leave the current image and click on the media icon.

5. Either choose to add a new image or insert and existing image. If you choose Add you will se this screen.

6. If you choose to add a new image, upload the image and add an alternate text for the image.

7. Make sure the image you want to add is selected then click the "Insert selected" button.

8. Click the "Save" button when you return to the block and you are done.