Tier 2 Software

Tier 2 Software

Licenses for these research and specialty packages are typically available at a significant discount (and some are available for free).


Tier 2 Software Packages
PackageNotesavailable to/costavailable forprovided byhow to get it
Empirisoft DirectRT2018 version all employees in Social Sciences departmentsUCD-owned computers onlyCindy Pickett, Jeff Sherman, Andrew Todd, Alison Ledgerwood & Narine Yegiyan More Information
Empirisoft MediaLab2018 versionall employees in Social Sciences departmentsUCD-owned computers onlyCindy Pickett, Jeff Sherman, Andrew Todd, Alison Ledgerwood & Narine YegiyanMore Information
NBS PresentationRenewed annually in February, new licenses can be purchased any time, prorated for Feb renewal.Approximately $108/year, prorated based on renewalany computer Please submit a ticket to LS IT to request information.
MathWorks MatlabRenewed annually in June, not prorated.$250/concurrent license/year for network-based licenseany computerIET-Software License Coordinator (licenses); LS IT (network license server)More Information
IBM SPSSRenewed annually in December, not prorated$100/yearany computerComputational Research ServiceSee https://crs.ucdavis.edu/spss.
SAS Institute SASRenewed annually, not prorated.$50/yearany computerIET-Software License CoordinatorPlease submit a ticket to LS IT to request information.
Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)Annual subscription$195.50/year for full yearany computerLS IT via Dell (UC licensing vendor)More Information
StataPerpetual license with periodic upgrades coordinated by LS IT. NOTE: Stata is available via Terminal Services to all Social Sciences affiliates.Variesany computerLS IT via StatacorpPlease submit a ticket to LS IT to request information.
Qualtrics.com Online Surveys All UC Davis usersAny web browserUC Davis Business and Institutional AnalysisMore Information
DocuSign L&S Faculty and StaffAny web browser Please submit a ticket to LS IT to request information.